The Benefits of Cranial Osteopathy
Cranial Osteopathy is a gentle approach that aims to release tensions in the soft tissues that surrounds the central nervous system: cranium, sacrum (your tailbone), and every structure between these two points are included in this modality.
The concept of Cranial work in modern times was started by Dr William Sutherland, and he claimed that the cranial bones were organized to allow for movement along the sutures. Another Osteopathic Physician, Dr John E. Upledger, worked off of Dr Sutherland’s research, and he was able to confirm Dr Sutherland’s theory. Dr Upledger also added that there is a rhythm to the craniosacral system, and the subtle cranial movement is needed to accommodate that rhythm. Craniosacral Therapy was born out of that research.
Stressors, traumas, and imbalances in the body can create tension in the craniosacral system, leading to a decrease in performance in the central nervous system, and potentially, every other body system it interacts with. After assessing the client’s body and seeing that cranial work is indicated, the therapist will apply these techniques to the affected areas. This can be to the head, face, spine or pelvis.
Craniosacral Therapy can help with:
Migraines and headaches
Chronic neck or back pain
TMJ and sinus issues
Injuries or issues from Motor Vehicle Accidents
Colic and feeding problems in infants
Cranial Osteopathy can be very helpful on its own or in addition to other modalities to give the patient a more holistic approach to their treatment.